Kings Nympton is an idyllic village nestled in the stunning Devon countryside, yet only 10 minutes from Chulmleigh and South Molton. We see ourselves as the small school with the big ideas. Our staff team are dedicated to ensuring all children have access to a wealth of learning experiences and the very best curriculum. We are able to do this by working closely and sharing skills across our Federation (we are federated with Winkleigh Primary School).
By planning trips and residentials across the Federation, children from Kings Nympton Primary School get to meet other children from their year groups before their transition to their chosen secondary school.
Year 1 and 2 have been learning how to draw eyes and mouths in art. We learnt that eyes are not round!
In ICT today we learnt how to switch on and log on to a laptop. We also practised using a mouse (trackpad) to click and drag. Class 1 we able to learn the names of parts of both computers and laptops.
Lovely to be in the woods again. It was great to see the older children in class one, supporting and encouraging the reception children at Forest School today. The children had a go at fire striking , blackberry picking and tie-dying with the natural juice, den building, wood collecting and cooking toffee apples. Finishing off with everyone's favourite splashing in the river.
Class 2 had a great time in art thinking about designs they will use when they creat their clay tiles and also having a go at self-portraits in their Frida Kahol unit
Reception have been working hard on counting quantities of animals and matching with the correct numeral.
Lovely afternoon enjoying PE with Mr Walters. The children showed him their many skills in running, jumping, hopping and throwing.