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The School Day

Winkleigh Primary School is open for 32.5 hours per week.  The gates open at 8.45am and close promptly at 8.55am, so children can be in class ready to learn at 9.00am.

Children have a break mid-morning for outside play.
We go outside as much as possible to make the most of our grounds and running track, children should bring a coat with them during wet and wintry months.


Key Stage 1 children are provided with a snack free of charge. Children in Key Stage 2 may bring a healthy fruit or vegetable snack in to school to eat at break time.


Lunch is served in the classrooms, enabling children to mix with their peers.

The school day finishes at 3.30pm.

Early Birds Breakfast Club runs from 7.45am-9.00am.

A mixture of enrichment and wraparound care after school clubs run every day of the week between 3.30pm-4.30pm. Wraparound care is available to 5.30pm.

Children are welcome to wear their own clothes to school on their birthday (or on the Friday or Monday if their birthday falls on a weekend). 


All parents have a legal obligation to see that their children attend school.  It is also important in the development of healthy attitudes towards school for children to know that their parents consider regular attendance to be of the utmost importance.  Children whose parents allow them to have odd days off here and there for rather trivial reasons are going to grow up with the notion that education is of no real importance and that missing school doesn’t really matter.  

Please telephone or message school by 9:30am on each day your child is absent due to illness.  For unavoidable medical appointments such as hospital appointments, please let school have a copy of the appointment letter in advance, if there is no letter or card please complete an absence request form.

The school has a statutory duty to ensure that all absences are legitimate and justifiable and new laws require the number of authorised and unauthorised absences to be reported to parents individually, through each child’s Annual Progress Report, and corporately, in the School Profile and in the School Prospectus.  Punctuality is also important.  Children should arrive at school between 8.45am and 9.00am.  The school is unable to provide supervision before 8.45am unless your child is booked into our Before School Club.  Please ask a member of admin staff for details and a registration form.

Most children do, of course, arrive on time, but occasionally we have a problem of persistent lateness, and this is difficult for us to deal with – particularly when it is not always the child’s fault! The statutory requirement for registration means that any child that arrives after the registration period (9.00am to 9.05am and 1.15 pm to 1.20pm) should be marked L for late.  If the child arrives after close of registration (9.30am and 1.30pm) then unless due to a medical appointment or other authorised circumstances they will be marked as an unauthorised absence.  Any child arriving late at school should report to the school office to be signed in, this is to ensure that we have a record of attendance in case of fire.